Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Off topic, but we need your help

Could you all take a moment and click this link to vote for the boys and I in a photo contest? Thank you so much. All you have to do it vote, no sign ups needed.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mother's Milk Tea

Well I bought some last night. It's pretty nasty, but I'll keep drinking it if it means I can reach my goal. I tried to get him to latch again this morning, but he wasn't having it. I'm still able to get a few drops while pumping. I keep thinking if I had a more powerful pump I'd be getting more out, but it's just not in the budget right now. :(

Nothing else to report really. I plan on ordering some Goat's Rue tomorrow or Friday. I'll keep you posted on that.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

We got a latch!!!!!

It was short lived because he got mad that he wasn't getting anything out, but still he latched. It's a step in the right direction if you ask me. Still pumping every 2 1/2 hours and still getting a few drops out of each side. I plan on getting some Mother's Milk Tea today and ordering either goat's rue or another supplement I've had recommended to me.

Monday, May 10, 2010

And day one comes to a close

Currently I am pumping every two and a half hours for 15 minutes on each side. I am not going to pump through the night at this time, but I may decide to add that in later. I haven't started any supplements yet, but I do have daily consumption of essential fatty acids, flax seed oil, and oatmeal, all of which I've read can help with milk production. Each time I pumped today I was able to get a few drops out of each side. I think if I had a more powerful pump I could have gotten more, but this will have to do for now. I may look into a hospital grade pump if money allows. I am so determined to make this work I am willing to do whatever it takes.

A new beginning

Let me set the scene for you.

You're just sitting down to eat your Mother's Day dinner with your husband and children when your 4 month old decides now would be a good time to show the entire establishment how well his lungs work. You go through all the steps to get him to calm down, but nothing works. Finally he let's out a giggle and then bam nice chunky spit up all over your clothes, shoes, and the floor. Great, that's twice today from a baby that never spit up prior to a week ago. This exact same scenario happened the day before while out for lunch. You're frustrated and cannot figure out why your baby has decided to take on the likes of The Exorsist. Finally you write it off as being too hot.

Your husband says "Maybe it's the pre-made formula, since he doesn't spit up the powered stuff". Hmm good point you have there husband. You vow to not feed your baby anymore pre-made formula and call it a night. The next morning comes around and you try to feed your baby a nice warm bottle of powered formula, but he won't take it, and here comes the screaming. Finally he takes the bottle, but he fights it the entire time and what normally would be a 20 minute feeding is going on an hour. Frustrated you reach out to your friends. Someone mentions relacatation. You've heard of it, but you're not exactly sure how it works or what you need to do. So you do some research.

You find that while there are quite a few resources it's pretty overwhelming. Pumping this, attachment that, Mother's Milk what, fenu who. Upon reading article after article and talking to friends and family you determine that while it is time consuming and stress-producing you're willing to give it a shot.

This is where I am, willing to try relactation. I know it is going to be stressful, I know it is going to take up a lot of my time, but for the health and well being of my son it is a task I am willing to take on. Armed with the support of my husband, the numerous resources available online, some Mother's Milk Tea, and my breast pump I will take you on my journey. Please buckle up because this is bound to be a long bumpy ride.